Friday, 14 August 2009

We're back! Sort of...

Well, since the last post;

* I've been to the Cambridge Folk Festival (check link down the side as I couldn't be arsed taking photos)

* Tyler is now 2 years old, he's got the tantrums down to perfection as he's been practising for Terrible Twos since Christmas

* Phoebe the Red-Haired Wonderkid has graduated to her first pair of shoes, and chose the bright purple shiny ones (that's my girl!)

* Bailey is still my personal trainer, although I will be doing the "10k stagger round and try not to have a heart attack" not the 10k run for Team Tootill

* My friends Lisa (Frowny Baby) and Jolan have offered to join me on the run. Stars, both of them. *especially if they carry me over the finish line

* The cats have launched a hate campaign against my sister, for tidying up the garden. To be fair she did decimate it, and the skip was not a suitable replacement

* I passed the Level 1 Deafblind Communication exam I took back in May, despite falling asleep in the final presentation with all the exam info in.

* As the child of a mixed marriage - Salford MUFC mum and Miles Platting MCFC dad - I am watching the pre-season shennanigans with great interest and no conflict whatsoever. I want them in the top two positions, with everyone else playing for 3rd place. No pressure there, lads.

And the lovely Elegant Eric was caught having a mad moment this morning! Chasing about like a true mad thing, not his usual cool self. But he's not daft - he waited until I was just about to leave for work, and couldn't film it. He's really missed Mum, so it was nice to see him perking up a bit.

We are all getting back to normal, slowly.