Tuesday, 11 May 2010

The Thick of It

So, we have a new government!

A coalition. Not had one of those since the 70's, how retro-chic is that?

Oh, FFS.

I keep having this recurring thought about a Conservative/Liberal Democrat deal. Put it like this - if you went to the zoo, and found out that the lions and the gazelles had formed a coalition and were sharing a pen, would you expect it to be constructive?

The LibDem gazelles can say what they like, but the Conservative pride ain't listening. They are just waiting for lunch to shut up.

Admittedly, the remaining gazelles might get a lucky break when the lions are too stuffed to move. But what odds would you get at PaddyPower or Betfair?

And would David Attenborough fancy a move to The Politics Show?