Monday, 29 November 2010

The Price - update

So with 30 hours to go, The Price is around 85% funded.

I've pledged, and had a rather nice email from the film-maker, Christopher Salmon.

I'm chewing my nails and watching and hoping.

Thursday, 4 November 2010

The Price and the price

A bit of an update.

Bailey is now officially 'The Wonder Dog' and also a superhero. Guess who thwarted a break-in at 4.1oam, Friday 29 October?

Yup, that's right, and he has inherited the wonder-dog title from Rex the Wonder Dog, who would have approved.

Online, it transpires that an enterprising sort called Christopher Salmon is trying to film 'The Price' by Neil Gaiman.

Check out the video clip via Neil Gaiman's blog, it looks fantastic. BUT there's a snag; it can only be made if $150K is pledged by 1 December.

The story is about a fantastic cat prepared to go to any lengths to protect his family. Bailey did not go to the same lengths as the cat; but the cat had supreme evil as an adversary and Bailey only had an Oldham scally.

Under the circumstances, I think he is priceless.