This year, Scott is navigating. Not sure whether or not this is a Good Thing. We might be relying on my innate ability to find the Guinness tent come-what-may.
This year, only two of us are going down there from our Usual Suspects. Ben has the best excuse (something about going cycling in India this autumn, bah!). Though Damon and Lisa's new house runs a close second. The Townley children are not allowing their parents to attend (probably for the best, Steve and Hayley would just run amok in the children's ceilidh. Oliver and Lucy are too young to be made accountable for their parents). Iain is meeting us down there, my mate Dorian might make and appearance, and over the years I've acquired a nice bunch of drinking buddies down there, so we won't really miss the convoy (*she lied*)
But I want to make something very clear. Once we get to the festival, Scott is ON HIS OWN. I will take no responsibility for any dodgy headgear/musical instrument purchases or his behaviour at any workshops he might attend. I am his friend, not his conscience, and I don't do the voice of reason or commonsense.
It works both ways; he is not going to try to explain anything I might do/say to old acquaintances or bail me out under any circumstances.
Glad that's sorted!
Ah, I've got mixed feelings about not coming, but we might be back next year :-). Have a fab time, and drink a cloudy cider or two for us.
I'm NAVIGATING?? you REALLY haven't thought that one through...
and no purchases for me. Got all the stringed and fretted toys i can handle. no, really.
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