Monday, 11 August 2008

The Cambridge Baby

This is the little film the Beeb made about Cameron.

The Cambridge Baby

I've known his mum for more years than either of us would care to admit. She was the one who dragged me to my first Cambridge Folk Festival some (ahemm-um) years ago.

But I would like to correct a few points. One, it is Sooze, not Sue. They got it right in the web address but not the text. In past years, such a mistake would have earned a well-aimed slap, later replaced by her best pissed-off-teacher look. And two, a quick glance suggests that it is traditional for Sooze to give birth at festivals!

The little soul selling off the birthday cake is Anya, Cameron's sister. And much prettier than the camera-up-the-nose views would have you believe.

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