Wednesday, 20 August 2008


This has taken on a new dimension, since Scott bought a timed feeder.

Yesterday I nipped round. Holly was being her usual fantastic feline self. She seemed a bit taken aback to see me, but showed me the wonderful cardboard box collection (used to hold camping equipment you know! Amazing! Good corrugated cardboard but not claw-proof - bargain!) and did the wonderful hostess bit. The timed feeder was open, so I couldn't play the feeding time card. I could still play sweet wrapper Subbuteo, so she decided I was still fair value.

Alas, Rumpole had unfinished business. The last time I saw Rumpole was the day I collected Scott for the Cambridge trip. So he packed a bag, and Feeder on Speed-dial arrived. Then FOSD buggered off as well.

Now Rumpole is normally a generous purry soul, but last night I copped for the fallout.

Still, I have most of my fingers, so it's not all bad news.


Anonymous said...

You worked out the cat feeder on the first go! more than i bloody did.

Cheers, matey. Got home and Rumpole was bouncing up and down and following me and begging me to never, ever go away again. Holly turned up at about ten, miaowed once and went to sleep.

i knows me place.

Anonymous said...

Am not altogether sure I did. Filled up both sides, but kept nipping back to make sure!

I, too, knows me place. And it ain't on the wrong side of a hungry cat.