Team 13
Big Sis, Manager
Team 13 with Alex, Eric and Suzanne
Manager, Alex, Bailey
Well, I did it.
Got up before 10am on a Sunday. Which any fule know, begins with The Archers omnibus at 10am. So 8am counted as the middle of the night.
Now, this Sunday, 14 December at 10am found me at a car park, looking at Old Trafford in all it's glory. Complete with a grumpy toddler, and a very worried Jack Russell. I got them both togged up in their Santa outfits, and away we went to join the Family Fun Run, organised by the Manchester United Foundation and their affiliated charities.
Tyler was not massively impressed, Bailey made a New Best Friend (Alex, above, with his parents Eric and Suzanne). Big Sis is only on camera because she needed proof for her sponsors. Eric, Suzanne and Alex were running as a separate team, but Bailey and Alex took a shine to each other so we joined forces.
Bailey now has a fan club! So many people thought he looked cute in the suit, so he forgave us for making him look stupid. And the cats don't read the blog or use my Mac, so he figures he is safe from their ridicule.
Poor naive fool.
1 comment:
Frankly, you'd have gotten my vote at "up before the archers". I started listenign to the podcasts so don't even get up in TIME for the archers these days.
How cute is the puppy???
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