Thursday, 30 April 2009

TV exposure guaranteed

Just perusing the latest offering from Mike Whalley's blog.

Another way to get noticed at the game is this:

i) Get seats in the same area as the new and VERY unpopular owners of your team (two rows in front and one seat to the left worked well)
ii) Turn up suited and booted for a big game, to be shown on Sky.

Instantly you look like part of the new establishment, and may have your identity speculated about. OR, as happened, you are viewed as a henchman for those personally responsible for wrecking a good club, and get verbally abused all evening!!

I must point out that although I'm not massively fond of the two family fiends described above, I didn't join in. I wasn't there, and it is pointless throwing insults and prawn sandwiches at the tv.

Never get mayo on your own carpet...

* fiends is not a typo, remember I know these two. and cut-n-paste the blummin link, I couldn't get insert hyperlink to work

Monday, 20 April 2009

Random warblings.

i) I have been enjoying the new F1 season.

I felt really sad that Honda were going to quit, and felt that Brawn GP might be filling the Back-Row-Minardi-Minardi role. Very happy to be proved wrong! I understand why Honda quit - and as the Lovely Kev now works for Honda, I felt pleased they were looking after the everyday concerns, and trying to avoid sacrificing too many ordinary jobs to keep the glamour side going. Lovely though Jensen Button is, he isn't marrying my niece in October! I know some have gone - but fingers crossed for Kev. Even if he is trying to sell me a pink Honda Jazz...

The BBC coverage of the event didn't show the driver's interview after, they felt Andrew Marr and Carol Thatcher were more important. And to think that they were supposed to be better than ITV!

ii) Phoebe had now progressed to the baby walker, and is loving her new wheels. Her brother has now progressed to putting his own shoes on, on the right feet, and we are hoping he can teach his father this new trick sometime soon.

iii) The Reservoir Mogs (Salford Posse) are all fine and well, while reports indicate that the Reservoir Mogs (Southern Chapter)and the Reservoir Mog (Gee Cross) are also fine and dandy.

iv) And me? Just pottering along, trying to make sense of stuff and rushing round like a maniac. I think I need a more booze-and-chocolate-fuelled life. Although I'm a stone lighter now, and the thought of smaller jeans is leading me away from the Krispy Creme and more towards the crisp salad. Who WOULD have thowt it?

Competitive critters

Now, how do you choose a winner out of this lot?

Mum was a leading contender. Stomach pains which turn out to be a mild blockage of the bowel, curable with a minor hernia operation. Right up to the point where they opened her up, found a very large and immovable tumour, and needed to perform an emergency colostomy. Followed by all sorts of medical intervention and she is still in hospital in a Catch-22; she can't leave until she gains weight, but can't/won't eat hospital food and is declining food parcels :(

Even by her standards, that is impressive Pesky Critter behaviour.

Bailey did try to give her a good run for her money, literally, by running away during a long walk. He ran off, in a strange area about 3 miles along the canal from home. Managed to get home in record time and to cross a 6-lane motorway & A-road junction. I was still running round the field off the canal bank, shouting like a lunatic and enrolling innocent passers-by in the search. All the while, the stumpy-legged git was heading for James's house, to have breakfast with the kids!

I called him lots of names, I don't recall Pesky Critter being one of them.

The worrying thought is this; the cats are very competitve. They have seen the bar set high, and may well fancy their chances.

Friday, 3 April 2009

Not welcome in my own home.

The pests - sorry, PETS - are getting out of hand.

As Mum is still in hospital and I work full-time, I'm not home as much as I would like. At first, as the only human tin-opener, I commanded some respect. But they have all developed a taste for dry food and sleeping on the bed, which means I am useful in the morning and a waste of space at any other point.

My insistence on claiming bedspace and sitting on the furniture has become an unbearable problem to them. If they could find a human trainer to take me in hand, they would.

Thankfully they lack independent wealth and the ability to use Google.