Thursday 30 April 2009

TV exposure guaranteed

Just perusing the latest offering from Mike Whalley's blog.

Another way to get noticed at the game is this:

i) Get seats in the same area as the new and VERY unpopular owners of your team (two rows in front and one seat to the left worked well)
ii) Turn up suited and booted for a big game, to be shown on Sky.

Instantly you look like part of the new establishment, and may have your identity speculated about. OR, as happened, you are viewed as a henchman for those personally responsible for wrecking a good club, and get verbally abused all evening!!

I must point out that although I'm not massively fond of the two family fiends described above, I didn't join in. I wasn't there, and it is pointless throwing insults and prawn sandwiches at the tv.

Never get mayo on your own carpet...

* fiends is not a typo, remember I know these two. and cut-n-paste the blummin link, I couldn't get insert hyperlink to work

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