I've acquired a new critter.
I found this caterpillar on a bunch of freesias, bought from a famous American rip-off supermarket.
I do have high minded principles on this place, but they get shot down when I need milk on the way home, and I can fit in their size 12 jeans.
Shallow, but well-meaning, I am.
He's called Colin Bell because when he made the bid for freedom after the photoshoot, he chose the framed photo of Colin Bell as the preferred escape route.
*if you are wondering why I have a framed, signed photo of Colin Bell on the bookcase - it involves alcohol, a charity auction and the fact my dad really rated him as a player. My dad normally didn't comment on these matters, but he did like Colin Bell.
I was actually wondering who Colin Bell was, to be honest.
New camera seems to be working well.
A footballer, whose Manchester City playing career was ended by a Manchester United player, I think. So much arguing between Red Mum and Blue Dad, I vaguely recall.
Must check with Mike Whalley!
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