When I was 32, I realised it was unlikely I would settle down with someone, and have the "2.2 children and half a dog" life, any time soon.
I decided to take the plunge and buy a house. As you do.
The last week of May 1996 proved a bit hectic. In the space of 3 days I got the keys to the house, had my navel pierced and acquired Eric Morecambe, Cat Legend. I wondered if it was my mid-life crisis as both my paternal grandfather and my father died aged 64 and I started to brood about it.
Two weeks later the IRA bombing of Manchester on 15 June had a profound effect on several members of my friends and family, and made me realise that nothing should be taken for granted in this world. Although they said there were no casualties, some things did go forever.
At the time I owned a little blue Mini, called Muttley. I sold it 6 months later and regretted it instantly.
Fast -forward to 2010: the house is still standing and so is Eric, but totting up the gains and losses over 14 years made me feel that I was being sad and complacent again. I applied the 'Death Bed Regret' criteria. What would I regret NOT doing, with my final breath? Obviously it had to be something I could change for myself. I decided it was time for a new MLC. I'd always wanted a convertible and the trusty Yardis was becoming a wee bit of a money pit.
So meet Muttley II.
ooooo very nice!
Of course, i daren't follow your mid-life crisis logic for fear of an expensive trip to the Apple store and/or Johnny Roadhouse
Nah, you're safe! Just remember you can't go into Johnny Roadhouse with unfinished business. And you haven't learn to play the banjo yet, have you?
We'll work on another strategy for Apple.
And of course, you are so much younger than me :) This is the last fling before the Zimmer frame.
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