Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Failed the Customer Service Brief

I've decided to save any Christmas goodwill for home and not waste any of it on anyone in this dump of a workplace.

Why the hissy-fit, you ask? All I can say is that it involves a complete moron, his wretched cohort of wannabe managers, and their complete insensitivity to anyone else.

Due to finish at 4pm, I swapped with a colleague so he could go and weep for his lost love (who is legging out of the country now his student visa has expired, bright lad). All I had to do was throw the moron and his mates out, and go.

They've taken the concept of time added to a new height, HALF-PAST BLOODY FIVE!!! they left. I tried to make them feel guilty then whacked them with some first-rate sarcasm, both failed. And they've trashed the room to boot, so I'm stuck here til 6-ish, and the lame excuse of 'stuck at work' won't work now.

But they've left me here with all their portfolios. Months of work, on a spare desk in the corner. Very near the shredder...

And what about Santa?

Neet, the mother mentioned in the previous post, now has another problem.

The Eldest is a lovely child, apart from the usual teenage strops. Child Dawkins is still an atheist, but it's the youngest who's causing a stir now.

He is scared Father Christmas in any shape or form.

Neet had been checking out suitable venues for his first meeting with Santa, but the nursery he attends had already sorted out a guest appearance. She arrived at nursery to find Youngest in floods of tears.

"I don't like Santor, he's 'orrible" (proper little Manc, is Youngest).

Youngest is 2, going on 15 and normally a robust and happy little soul, who missed seeing Santa last year because Neet couldn't trust him to behave in the queue. Child Dawkins tried to help him out.

"It's only someone helping, he doesn't sound anything like the real Santa."

She might not know the Voice of God, but she knows her Santa. Sounds a lot like Grandad...

Monday, 17 December 2007

That old-time religion...

is proving a bit of a problem for a colleague.

Her daughter is 5, highly intelligent and inquistive. She is also attending a Catholic school, which is a problem for a child who does not believe in God.

She's made several attempts to get her mother to 'fess up about the non-existence of God. Despairingly, the colleague pointed out she could discuss it with Father A.

Child was having none of it. "But he's bound to say God exists Mum," (icy stare to parent) "that's his job." Her opening gambit to Father A was "I'm having real issues with this." She agreed to give them all the benefit of the doubt, her friends are at the same school and she wanted to audition (!) for the Nativity play. Her mum tried to point out that it wasn't that formal, but she carried on regardless. She's a very High School Musical sort of gal.

But the new-found faith has been tested, and finished off completely. In the Nativity play, the blonde curls and general cuteness made her a strong contender for any sort of angel. She's been cast as a Christmas tree.

"I know it's important for Christmas but it's nothing to do with God, is it? Have you ever seen a singing tree in church? Trees don't sing. He doesn't exist, does he?"

I would send a bit of Richard Dawkins round for her, but she's probably read it by now.

Thursday, 13 December 2007

Who ate all the pies??

No, not Ricky Hatton or Stuart Maconie...

Falling off the edge of the world...

Checked out the action over at incessant pointless barking to find Soph's piece about Terry Pratchett.

Heard this on the news this morning and my reaction was pretty much the same as hers.

Ah, but at least he said he still had time for a few more books. And in these days of Equality and Diversity, I think his agent should stick by him and publish anything he writes in his new state, to strike a blow for Alzheimers sufferers everywhere! So they'll be a bit random, so what?

Like Terry Pratchett NEVER did random...

Tuesday, 11 December 2007

The Works 'Do'

We had the staff away day on Monday, followed by Christmas lunch and a pub crawl.

Today, this is what our Finance Officer made top priority

And this is what happened when the boss decided against Alton Towers as a decent venue

Oh hummm.....

House Rules

Bailey broke the basic house rule of 'no dogs in the bedrooms'.

The Tig caught him in my room, chased him into the bathroom and beat the crap out of him.

Now he KNOWS why we tell him not to upset the cats. It's a nice scratch though, and it'll be a lovely scar. He can always tell the hard dogs that it was done by a Rottie.

The Monday Night Group

The Monday Night Group now have a shiny new website.

It was launched with a nice presentation - which I missed - in a swanky bar in Manchester. Then everyone ran off to the usual (cheap) pub and then some of us lasted long enough for silly dancing in the Fab Cafe.

Nice to know they've actually finished it, though at great cost to the sanity of those involved :)

Thursday, 6 December 2007


I was conned into baby-sitting young TJ last night.

It's a shame, this child is quite delightful but it was the cheek of the move that did it for me. Just hand him to his great-grandmother, who would walk over broken glass for him, then suggest she brought him to my house for a visit.

Aw, bless... hang on, I'm still hissing fury here...sssssss.....

Still, he tried his best to be entertaining, and I am secretly convinced his first word was 'bananarama' or that daft song from the Muppets Show - was is Manomana?

Full-on charm offensive. I did point out that I was Great Aunt Don, the Mean Old Bag, but he just gurgled a bit and tried to chew his feet.

Even better, it did give me a chance to see how Bailey acted around children.

Dammit, he was good as gold.

Pesky critters, both.