Thursday, 6 December 2007


I was conned into baby-sitting young TJ last night.

It's a shame, this child is quite delightful but it was the cheek of the move that did it for me. Just hand him to his great-grandmother, who would walk over broken glass for him, then suggest she brought him to my house for a visit.

Aw, bless... hang on, I'm still hissing fury here...sssssss.....

Still, he tried his best to be entertaining, and I am secretly convinced his first word was 'bananarama' or that daft song from the Muppets Show - was is Manomana?

Full-on charm offensive. I did point out that I was Great Aunt Don, the Mean Old Bag, but he just gurgled a bit and tried to chew his feet.

Even better, it did give me a chance to see how Bailey acted around children.

Dammit, he was good as gold.

Pesky critters, both.

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