Wednesday, 19 December 2007

Failed the Customer Service Brief

I've decided to save any Christmas goodwill for home and not waste any of it on anyone in this dump of a workplace.

Why the hissy-fit, you ask? All I can say is that it involves a complete moron, his wretched cohort of wannabe managers, and their complete insensitivity to anyone else.

Due to finish at 4pm, I swapped with a colleague so he could go and weep for his lost love (who is legging out of the country now his student visa has expired, bright lad). All I had to do was throw the moron and his mates out, and go.

They've taken the concept of time added to a new height, HALF-PAST BLOODY FIVE!!! they left. I tried to make them feel guilty then whacked them with some first-rate sarcasm, both failed. And they've trashed the room to boot, so I'm stuck here til 6-ish, and the lame excuse of 'stuck at work' won't work now.

But they've left me here with all their portfolios. Months of work, on a spare desk in the corner. Very near the shredder...

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