Monday, 17 December 2007

That old-time religion...

is proving a bit of a problem for a colleague.

Her daughter is 5, highly intelligent and inquistive. She is also attending a Catholic school, which is a problem for a child who does not believe in God.

She's made several attempts to get her mother to 'fess up about the non-existence of God. Despairingly, the colleague pointed out she could discuss it with Father A.

Child was having none of it. "But he's bound to say God exists Mum," (icy stare to parent) "that's his job." Her opening gambit to Father A was "I'm having real issues with this." She agreed to give them all the benefit of the doubt, her friends are at the same school and she wanted to audition (!) for the Nativity play. Her mum tried to point out that it wasn't that formal, but she carried on regardless. She's a very High School Musical sort of gal.

But the new-found faith has been tested, and finished off completely. In the Nativity play, the blonde curls and general cuteness made her a strong contender for any sort of angel. She's been cast as a Christmas tree.

"I know it's important for Christmas but it's nothing to do with God, is it? Have you ever seen a singing tree in church? Trees don't sing. He doesn't exist, does he?"

I would send a bit of Richard Dawkins round for her, but she's probably read it by now.

1 comment:

Sophie said...

Good kid! Keep in touch with her - we'll be needing clear thinkers in the years to come!