Friday 18 January 2008

Need to get organised

That Scott over at Everybody Laughed... has mentioned the O word in a post.

Organised. HAH! Combined it with ruthless, too.

So I now feel strangely challenged. Strange, seeing as he admits to lapsing after a fortnight. I didn't even get that far.

I now feel I have to:

Upload the pictures of the lovely niece at her graduation (in November).
Add a picture of the equally but differently lovely Bailey (resident since October-ish).
Re-instate the link to Incessant Pointless Barking (deleted with Frowny Baby by mistake when FB decided to retire from blogging).
Mess about with the template for a bit, just...because.

And what are the chances of that happening? About the same as me being seen out in a size zero frock singing Spice Girls songs.


Lisa said...

Frowny Baby decided to reinstate the blog - but she's still feeling a wee bit frowny about it!

And as for getting organised? Pah! That's what I say. A big :-P to that!

Donna said...

Good about the return of the blog! Still have the link on my works pc, not that I abuse University internet access, you understand ;)

see you saturday :)