Monday, 10 March 2008

Not much justice there, then

So Carol Barnes dies at 63, and on the same day Thatcher gets to stagger on for a bit longer.

No justice, but at least it gives Elvis Costello a bit more time to shine up his dancing shoes.


Steve said...

I was thinking of Elvis and his proposed dirt-tramping when I heard Thatcher was in hospital. I couldn't help wonder whether he might have mellowed in the twenty or so years since he published his intentions.

Either way, I'm sure there'll be a queue of journalists at his door if/when she shuffles off...

Anonymous said...

The Mark Thomas list lot were discussing whether the long-planned party in Trafalgar Square would be better as a travelling party bus, so the rest of the country can join in.

And there was talk of fitting urinals to the headstone ...

Donna said...

If Mr Costello has mellowed, I hope it's more to do with his bunions not being up to it! Mind you, if last year's gig at Malaga was owt to go by, he's not calmed down much :)

Yeah, party bus sounds good. Though I pity the driver who has to try and get through the pissed and happy crowds in any mining town you care to mention!