Sunday, 9 November 2008

A quick update on the Child Dawkins

Meant to post this a few weeks back but didn't get the chance.

Child Dawkins is at that stage where she is being prepared for her Confirmation next year.

Recently she was off school at the end of a week, and halfway through the following week made a big fuss of choosing a set of rosary beads from her collection.

The same collection used in the Elastics incident of 18 March. Apparently, they were to practise with their rosary beads each day, in a special class.

A thought struck Neet. "How did you manage Monday and Tuesday? Did you borrow some?"

Child Dawkins was honest, then indignant.

"No I hid behind the statue of the Virgin Mary and pretended I had them in my hands.*mimes working through her rosary* And do you know what, Mum, that Mrs Jones never checked, not once!"

So which is the bigger sin, miming your Hail Marys or not checking on your charges?


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