Thursday 6 September 2007

Team BlueFaye vs The Shadow

Blue, of The Reservoir Mogs (Salford Posse) is on the warpath.

Young Shadow, the little cat from next door, has moved from the garden to a full assault on the house. He is determined to be a resident. Pumphrey is a nice-guy cat, and won't fight him off. Same for Red, she is acting way too prissy for a scrap.

So it is left to young Blue to uphold the honour of the Posse. At a mere whiff of the enemy, the hackles go up. Catch a glimpse, and she is the ultimate spitting & fighting fury! And she has an ally.

Faye, now back from Mexico, doesn't like Shadow. In her eyes, he's a little upstart. He did try to leap in her lap while she was eating, then spent some time biting her feet. She feels this is only acceptable behaviour from the family cats. He is too young and stupid to realise that this is not good etiquette. He tries to make up for it by providing her with dead things. Would she like more mice, or maybe a pigeon? He has plans for a squirrel, but he needs to work on his technique.

Alas, the answer is no. He's never going to be allowed in the Posse. Faye loves her cats best, and he should remember where he lives. And Blue watches it all, and remembers why Faye is her favourite family member.

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