Tuesday, 18 September 2007

Negotiation, a la Greebo

Don't get me wrong, I love Greebo dearly but he is a weird cat. He doesn't approach problems in the same way the others do.

Like this morning. Normally, he's a very outdoors sort. He's not given to joining in the territorial battle for any cosy areas in my house. But early this morning Manchester decided to go a bit chilly so he joined in the scrap for the bedroom.

Not by staking a place on the top of the bed, that is too obvious in GreeboWorld. He did it by going under the duvet, burrowing underneath Tig then standing up (still under duvet!) to knock Tig over the edge onto the floor. Then stayed there purring away quite happily, while Tig tried to work out what had hit him.

As Tig is the original Nice-but-Dim, this could take a while.


Sophie said...

He conceals a surprisingly decent brain under all that fur, doesn't he?!

Donna said...

Not too shabby at all!

Quite unlike his coat.